Capital Punishment is a term in today's society that most are familiar with; the term meaning the judicial process from ones peers as a(n) ever-lasting punishment for a criminal offense-- Death! People have different opinions on the issue of capital punishment given to a convict. While some think that the death penalty is necessary for those who have committed a terrible crime, there are others who consider it as an immoral act that goes against the values of humanity. The question is how did WE as an overpowering religious nation, who were once Super Christians agree to allowing one another to decide one's fate? Capital Punishment has its pros and cons.
Pros:Perhaps us killing one another deters others who share the same ideals from acting out initially or once released. Perhaps Killing each other helps us sleep at night knowing the streets are safe.
Cons:Methods of execution include electrocution, the firing squad or other sorts of shooting, stoning in Islamic countries, the gas chamber, hanging, and lethal injection. Other cons include the fact that we as humans can be wrong; now I'm not taking the side of a convict, but we have executed the innocent before. Did those who sentenced their innocent peers to death ever get anything more than a slap on the wrist and a couple of bad nights of sleep? Capital Punishment in my eyes is wrong- One of the 10 commandments for those who struggle with the pathos of this blog state: "You Shall Not Murder", when we kill each other do we make a mockery of Gods Testament? The World is At War with Itself. Since when are we allowed to beat around the Burning Bush of God's Instruction?