Also called voluntary abortion. Aborting is the removal of an embryo or fetus from the uterus in order to end a pregnancy ( . Do we have the right to decide? Or was it against God's will for us to take eachothers life? Is an embryo alive? Does it feel pain? So many questions and so many different opinions to take into consideration.
1. A fetus is not a human being. Abortion is terminating a pregnancy, not a baby. Personhood at conception is not a proven biological fact. Personhood begins at birth(
2. According to PhD, Senior Lecturer at the University of Birmingham (England), fetuses are incapable of feeling pain when an abortion is performed. The biological development necessary to support pain experience does not occur until birth (
3. The anti-abortion position is usually a religious belief and threatens the vital separation of church and state. Religious ideology should not be a foundation for law in the United States (
4. Abortion gives couples the option to choose not to birth babies with severe and life-threatening medical conditions. Fragile X syndrome, the most common genetic form of mental retardation, affects about 1 in 4,000 males and 1 in 8,000 females. One in 800 babies have Down Syndrome, and one in 3,500 babies are born with Cystic Fibrosis. It is not right to sentence a child to life with an acute handicap (
1. Unborn babies are innocent human beings from the moment of conception. They have a fundamental right to life which must be protected (
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"Don't I Have a Choice"" |
3. According to Janet L. Hopson, science textbook writer and instructor at San Francisco State University, fetuses are capable of feeling pain by week 12. Abortion is wrong because it inflicts pain on a living defenseless human being(
4. The original text of the Hippocratic Oath, the oath that doctors traditionally take when swearing to practice medicine ethically, forbids abortions. One section of the oath reads: "I will not give a woman a pessary [a device inserted into the vagina] to cause an abortion." The modern version of the Hippocratic Oath written in 1964 by Luis Lasagna also forbids abortion in its line, "Above all, I must not play at God." (
The above are pros and cons of the topic of abortion. Ask yourself if you had to choose, what would you decide? Personally I think the answer is very clear and shouldn't be even a topic of discussion. I believe aborting to be morally wrong!! Aborting is inhumane and apparently legal at the moment. We have to live with the decisions we make everyday, if a couple chooses to be irresponsible in the act of relations and becomes pregnant - it is their own responsibility to take care of their offspring. Sure I understand sometimes there are accidents, but no accident should ever leave a person to choose the fate of someone else. There are millions of couples who aren't able to conceive a child. If ever one becomes pregnant the person can always put their child up for adoption. People have the right to Live.
So please comment on this post. What do you think?
Adrian's- Eye-Opener
Very informative post, Adrian. I had no idea that the original text of the Hippocractic Oath addressed abortion. You're presentation of pros and cons is excellent in that you're giving information that support all views, not just your view. Thanks for citing where your getting your information.
ReplyDeleteAbortion is a very sensitive subject. I feel as though if you're responsible enough to lay down it, and you know what the consequences are. Then you should be able to accept resposibility and take care of your kid. I do feel though if you've been raped then you should be able to get an abortion.