Sunday, October 10, 2010

Does Love Exist?

A question I personally have asked myself time and time again. Does Love Truly Exist, and can it last forever? In my opinion, love is like snow-- it is beautiful and soft in the beginning, but like snow it eventually melts away over time. Now this is my opinion based solely on my 20 years of living. For those out there who are like me and are always searching, don't give up, don't make rash decisions regarding the physical health of yourself or your previous partner. Live life to the fullest, and look at every relationship as a stepping stone and guidance teacher on how to better your next. If your one of those who like me once thought of committing suicide, don't! Just stop and think to yourself, what about all those people you are leaving behind. How sad would they be to have lost someone so near and dear to their hearts. If you have nobody, find me, I understand what you are going through, to some degree, let me challenge your motives and bring you to life.
Answer to the question, in my opinion:
--Young Love rarely exists, we are all still growing and we can't be entirely sure on exactly what we want. If you have found your match, your lucky as hell and I congratulate the both of you. =)
--I believe that Love is like riding a bicycle, you must keep trying, your sure to get the hang of it.
Adrian's Eye-Opener

I ash my tomorrow, and stand still in today- at the edge of the future- my dreams fade away. 

1 comment:

  1. I think love does exist, though I tend to think of it like a flower. A seed must be planted, and then it must be tended. Some flowers grow on their own, but most need to be looked after. If you disregard your budding flower, then it will likely wilt and die. Love is the same. It requires patience, time, effort, and above all involvement from all parties.

    I've seen too many happy couples to think otherwise, but I've seen enough unhappy couples to know a lot of people approach it the wrong way. Love is not a guarantee, nor is romantic love for everyone. It is there, though, if you're willing to find it.
